See my current professional and academic portfolio. Who I've worked with an my academic passion.



My Story in a Portfolio
Stories should be transformational. They should convey meaning and paint a picture. They should hook you in right until the end. I am a storyteller by nature. I grew up in a family where stories were told and told well. They were often stories of a time gone by, when life moved at a slower pace. They were stories of grit and determination. They were stories that inspired me as a child as I sat and listened.
Now, I am telling the stories - my stories, stories of clients and the stories I have collected and retold through essays and story maps in the context of Human Geography.

Professional (Since 2016)
Cosmic Connections
Nashville, TN
Since 2022 I have created a quarterly
print newsletter for Cosmic Connections, a 25 year old book and gift store in Nashville, TN. In addition, since 2020 I have created a bi-weekly digital product, events, and services newsletter that is send to nearly 9K Cosmic customers each week.
In addition to marketing materials, I have managed all events and in person intuitive and energywork sessions via the Acuity scheduling platform since 2020. Acuity is a comprehensive scheduling and client management system. Along with Acuity, I manage 6 calendars for the store to ensure smooth scheduling for all parties and has contributed to a six-figure increase x 2 for the store since onboarding.
SOWN Global
Nashville, TN
In 2014 I began supporting SOWN Global, former Caring for China's Orphans, via website creation and management, fundraising support, print newsletters and more. See their website or view a newsletter.
Tarot Within
Nashville, TN
I had the pleasure of working with local tarot reader, Karen Linnae, to create a branded website which reflected her personality, style, and her gift of reading the tarot for clients in Nashville and beyond. Visit her website at www.lightwithintarot.com
Gaia Sisterhood, Nashville, TN
Gaia Sisterhood is a long-time client that brings a women's artisan craft market to Nashville and women's spiritual retreats to Middle Tennessee and international locations. Since 2019 I have worked with Jennifer Harvard, owner, to bring her work to the world through a digital story. Her website shares her work, her vision, and her event registration in a compelling and accessible way to the women of her tribe. In addition.
In addition to digital design work and business consultancy, I worked with Jennifer to bring her Everyday Magick series beyond the web. Taking her vision, I created a series of 8 downloadable workbooks to assist her members in working the wheel of the year in a solitary practice. Visit her website at www.gaiasisterhood.org.
Jeff Crawford, Nashville, TN
Jeff Crawford is a Nashville based energy-worker, reader, and life coach. In 2017 I created his website, still in use. (He has added additional graphic design since, based on traditional Shipibo textile patterns). In addition, using his services offered, created a brochure for use in his office and events around Middle Tennessee. (Brochure Front / Brochure Back).
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Academic Portfolio Samples (2021-2024)
The Global Roots of the Southern Table
This sample/draft version of my Independent Project under the mentorship of Dr. James Chaney at MTSU was both an academic and passion project. This was the result of an entire semester of research, writing, and recipe sampling.
Global Roots Draft Sample
King Arthur Lives
This was my first ArcGIS Story Map and was created under Dr. Frances Koti at MTSU. Dr. Koti is responsible for my switching to Human Geography from Anthropology. I am indebted to him.
King Arthur Story Map
Thematic Map for Cartography with Dr. Jeremy Aber, MTSU
Having grown up with a love of maps and travel, adding Cartography as part of my journey to my B.S. in Human Geography was an easy choice. This map was created as my final Cartography assignment and visual representation of my Global Roots Project. (see below for slideshow)
Greece, The Cradle of Civilization
In my path to my Human Geography degree I created this presentation on Greece for a European Geography class with Dr. James Chaney.
Greece Presentation
"The Age of Discovery", story of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
While at MTSU I took Historical Geography with a focus on military history under Dr. Derek Frisby. As a final project I researched the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to better understand the contributions of those forcibly relocated to America on Southern foods.
Age of Discovery
The Experience of the Modern Day Pagan in the United States and Ireland
While taking Ethnology with Dr. William Leggett, this paper was a study of neo-paganism, a particular interest of mine for many years. Originating in Britain in the late 1800’s neo-paganism was a response to the industrial revolution. In the 1950’s Gerald Gardner (famous for the Gardnerian witchcraft movement) introduced Wicca and it spread to the United States. This paper seeks to compare the similarities as well as differences.
The Experience of Modern Day Paganism....
The Thematic Map below began with a draft concept I created in Canva. The draft was printed on an 11x17 page at Staples to assist me with scale on my larger final project. The continents were free-handed and colored. The final project included the origin of foods featured in my Global Roots independent project.

Cozy Up to
Mystery and Magic

Looking for a little mystery and magic in your life? Then look no further! Sign up for my newsletter for the updates and upcoming launch or follow me on IG @cozymysteryandmagic.